What is 15% of 100?

How to calculate 15 percent of 100?

We’ll learn how to calculate 15% of 100 using some simple steps, which are explained below:

Step 1: Write the multiplication of the two numbers, i.e., 15% and 100, as shown below:
15% x 100.

Step 2: Since a percentage represents the hundredth part of a number, we can replace the “%” symbol with 1/100.

15% x 100 = (15/100)x 100

Step 3: Apply the rules of multiplication and simplification to get the result

= 1500/100

= 15

Imagine a pie chart that represents 100 values in total. To find 15% of 100, we calculate the value 15. The segment of the chart occupied by these 15 values represents 15% of the total. The remaining part of the chart represents 85% of the 100 values. Since the total value is 100, the entire pie chart represents 100% of it.

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