How Many Perfect Squares Between 1 and 100

How Many Perfect Squares Between 1 and 100 There are 10 perfect squares between 1 and 100 They are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 and 100. Perfect Squares List between 1 and 100 Perfect Square Square roots 1 1 x 1 4 2 x 2 9 3 x 3 16 4 … Read more

Prime Number Chart

Prime Numbers Definition Prime numbers are natural numbers that have only two factors – one and the number itself. Examples: The factors of 3 are 1 and 3.The factors of 5 are 1 and 5.The factors of 11 are 1 and 11. So, 3, 5, 11 are Prime numbers. Prime Numbers from 1 to 1000 … Read more

Fraction Table | Fraction to Decimal Chart

Fraction Decimal 1/2 0.5 1/3 0.333? 2/3 0.666? 1/4 0.25 3/4 0.75 1/5 0.2 2/5 0.4 3/5 0.6 4/5 0.8 1/6 0.1666? 5/6 0.8333? 1/8 0.125 3/8 0.375 5/8 0.625 7/8 0.875 1/9 0.111? 2/9 0.222? 4/9 0.444? 5/9 0.555? 7/9 0.777? 8/9 0.888? 1/10 0.1 1/12 0.08333? 1/16 0.0625 1/32 0.03125 Square Root Chart … Read more

List of Perfect Squares

There are many different kinds of numbers in math, such as even, odd, prime, composite, etc. But there is a certain kind of number called a “perfect square.” With the help of factorisation of a number, these can be found and written down. This article will teach you what perfect square numbers are, how to … Read more

Square Root Chart

Square Root Chart: The square root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the number. Square Root Chart Number  Square  Square Root  1 1 1.000 2 4 1.414 3 9 1.732 4 16 2.000 5 25 2.236 6 36 2.449 7 49 2.646 8 64 2.828 9 81 3.000 10 … Read more

Roman Numerals Chart

Numbers Roman Numerals  1 I 5 V 10 X 50 L 100 C 500 D 1000 M Roman Numerals Rules:  Only I, X, C, M can be repeated.  V, L, and D are never repeated.  No symbol can be repeated more than three times.  Roman numerals chart Number Roman Numeral 1 I 2 II 3 … Read more

Odd and Even Numbers Chart

Odd and Even Numbers Chart: The numbers chart has been color-coded so that odd numbers are highlighted with blue and even numbers are highlighted with purple. It is obvious that any number ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, or 9 is an unlucky number, as the blue highlight makes this clear. It is obvious … Read more