The factors of a number are integers that can divide it completely, leaving no remainder. When we talk about the factors of 79, we find that it is a prime number. This means 79 has only two unique factors: 1 and 79.
Factors Calculator
Factors of 79 | 1 and 79 |
Negative Factors of 79 | -1 and -79 |
Prime Factors of 79 | 79 |
Prime Factorization of 79 | 1 x 79 |
Factors of 79 in Pairs | (1, 79) |
Negative Pairs Factors of 79 | (-1, -79 ) |
Why is 79 a Prime Number?
A prime number is defined as any number greater than 1 that has only two factors: 1 and itself. Let’s test the divisibility of 79 to confirm this:
79 ÷ 1 = 79
No remainder is left, so 1 is a factor.
79 ÷ 79 = 1
Again, no remainder is left, so 79 is also a factor.
Next, we check divisibility by other numbers:
79 ÷ 2 = 39.5 (Not divisible)
79 ÷ 3 = 26.33 (Not divisible)
79 ÷ 4 = 19.75 (Not divisible)
Continuing this process, we find that no other numbers divide 79 evenly. Thus, 79 is confirmed as a prime number.
Pair Factors of 79
Factors can also be expressed as pairs of numbers that multiply to give the original number. For 79, the pair factors are:
Positive pair: (1, 79)
Negative pair: (-1, -79)
This means the product of these pairs always equals 79:
1 × 79 = 79
-1 × -79 = 79
Prime Factorization of 79
Prime factorization involves breaking a number down into its prime components. Since 79 is already a prime number, it cannot be broken down further. Its prime factorization is simply:
In exponential form, this can be written as:
Key Characteristics of 79
Odd number: 79 cannot be evenly divided by 2.
Not a perfect square: There is no integer that, when squared, equals 79.
Unique factors: The only numbers that divide it completely are 1 and 79.
Factor tree of 79
/ \
1 79