Factors of 73

The factors of a number are the integers that divide it completely without leaving any remainder. For 73, the only factors are 1 and 73, because 73 is a prime number.

Factors of 73: 1, 73

Factors of 73: 1, 73
Pair Factor: (1, 73)
Prime Factorization: 73
Factor Tree: A single branch with 73 as the prime number.

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Pair Factors of 73

Pair factors are pairs of numbers that, when multiplied together, give the product as 73. Since 73 is a prime number, it has only one pair factor.

Pair Factor: (1, 73)

Prime Factorization of 73

Prime factorization is the process of expressing a number as the product of its prime factors. Since 73 is already a prime number, it cannot be factored further.

Prime Factorization of 73: 73 (as it is a prime number)

Factor Tree of 73

A factor tree visually represents the prime factorization of a number. For 73, since it is a prime number, the tree would look very simple:

Write 73 at the top.
Draw a line downward to indicate that it cannot be divided further except by itself and 1.

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 (Prime Number)
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